Sunday, August 21, 2011

Reading Confidence

Rasmey, an 8 year old in grade 1 at a school Orieng Ov District, Kampong Cham Province, was a shy, unhappy student in class. She often bent her head to the table because she was worried that her friends would laugh at her when the teacher wanted someone to read or write on the board.

Child to Child activities are an important activity implemented by KAPE for helping children who face such difficulties with their reading and writing. This year, Rasmey’s teacher selected her to join their new child to child activities. She spent 15 to 30 minutes during break time with Sokleng, a student from grade 6, who helped her with her reading and writing. After a few weeks, she began to be able to read and write a bit better than before and was able to read and write simple things on the board and began to grow in confidence.

Now she no-longer bends her head to the table and often puts her hand up when the teacher asks for a volunteer to read or write something on the board. She no longer has to worry about her friends laughing and has become much more confident in the class. Her teacher said “Rasmey is good student. She was never absent from school, but she had difficulty reading and writing Khmer letters. Now she is able to enjoy her lessons as she knows that she can read and write well”.

Rasmey is just one of the 150 students (76 girls), that was identified for such support across the 5 out of 19 target schools that chose this activity in the Rewrite the Future (RtF) project, funded by Save the Children.

The RtF project is an educational service project which uses school grants and activity menus to ensure stakeholder choice in program design, as well as child rights-based planning. It develops and supports the Cambodian Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport’s Child Friendly Schools (CFS) policy in remote areas in Kampong Cham Province. Child to child is just one of 43 potential activities for supporting the schools in the target area.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Kampuchean Action for Primary Education( KAPE)

Kampuchean Action for Primary Education is local NGO working to improving education in Cambodia. KAPE now works in multiple provincce such as: Kampong Cham, Kratie, Siem Reap, Pray Veng, Modulkiri and Phnom Penh.

Friday, August 5, 2011


The CFS Framework for improving quality in Child Friendly Schools in Cambodia is based on the six Dimentions as follows:

Dimension 1: All Children have access to schooling (school are in clusive)

Objective: To ensure and support all children, especially children in difficult circumstnces, (children of poor families , girls, orphan children, child victim of domestic violence, disble children, ethic minority children, children affected by drugs, children affected by HIV/AIDS and other diseases) have access to schooling with equity.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Dimerntion 2: Effective Learning

Objective: To develop teacher proficiencies so that teachers have theoretical and pratical knowledge with a specific focus on learning/ teaching activitiesche and materials which promote acrtive, creative and child-centred approaches to learning in a joyful classroom eviroment. To nurture teacher attitude , behavior and moral values which will lead to learning together in harmonious way.
Dimention 3: Health, Safty and Protection of children
Objective: To ensure that all children participate in education are cared for snd supported by all concerned people and institutions to keep them healthy and safe and protect them from violence at school, in the family and society.
Dimention 4: Gender responsiveness
Objective: To promote awareness in schools, families and communities of their roles and resposibilities for providing equal and equitable education and educational opportunity for both
girls and boys so that they can participate equally in all activities in school, family and society.
Dimention 5: The participation of children , families and communities in the running of their local school
Objective: To enchance the dynamic relationship and two-way participation between schools and communities so that schools become community supported resources centers, families and communities become resources for mschool improment and play an active role in mangement.

Demension 6: the National Education System and encourage schools to become more child friendly

Objective: To ensure the effective and sustainable implementation of the Child Friendly Schools Policy in all schools with a high spirit of resposibility, all mechanisms and levels of the national education system must work together to support schools in improving the quality of education.